This spin on the popular brunch dish of chicken and waffles is delightfully easy to make at home. Customize it to your taste with your favorite cheese...
Being new to a gluten-free diet can be frustrating, but it doesn't mean you have to avoid the foods you enjoy. Made with sweet sorghum flour and tapioca...
I have been enjoying Moon Rabbit Foods® products and used their pancake and waffle mix to create this amazing breakfast. These gluten-free ricotta and...
Move over, birthday cake. These easy mini waffles are the new party sensation. Baked on lollipop sticks and sprinkled with white chocolate and candy sprinkles,...
I have made these for kids and adults alike and they all love them. Chocolaty but not too sweet, these whole-grain waffles are sure to please any age and...
The great waffles for breakfast. You can make pancakes if you don't have a waffle iron. Serve with fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, cinnamon-sugar, or whatever...
My wife and I have tried many waffle recipes and were never quite satisfied. We've combined them into this one that we love. Delicious and a great way...
I created this recipe when trying to get my husband to stop eating fast food for breakfast. Crispy on the outside and full of maple walnut flavor on the...
This is a rich waffle recipe based on a Danish batter for aebleskivers. It uses sugar and is wonderful and crisp. We always freeze the extra waffles and...
Nothing screams autumn like chestnuts. Naturally leavened, gluten-free sourdough starter mixed with fine chestnut flour gives this waffle a smooth, smoky...
Looking for a fun new party dessert? Try these mini waffles baked on lollipop sticks and covered with chocolate, peanuts, and a touch of flaked salt. They're...
We love to serve these on Waffle Wednesdays for dinner or for large group gatherings. These are high in fiber and flavor with whole wheat flour, flax seed...
The rich and nutty flavor of chestnut flour makes a deliciously unique waffle. Light in texture but hearty in flavor, this is a perfect treat for those...
During a wheat- and sugar-free time in my life, I created a recipe for some absolutely delicious waffles. They are easy to make and a breakfast the whole...
My Swedish aunt makes the best waffles ever - crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. They are a bit of a project, but the best part is that they...
Excellent waffles that are quick and easy and delicious. These are so great with nothing on them, but you could top with low-fat whipped cream, ricotta...
This is a modified version of Peter Reinhart and Denene Wallace's Waffle recipe. This sugar-free, gluten-free breakfast is tasty and filling. As written,...
This recipe has been in the family for generations. Now I want to share what is the best memory of my childhood, when I visited my grandparents in Kelvington,...
Gluten-free, dairy-free, and egg-free, these delicious waffles make a hearty breakfast. They've got a nice crisp on the edges and a good chew to the inside....
These are sweeter than traditional Brussels Belgian waffles - a sweeter waffle that can be served for breakfast or dessert. Serve waffles warm or cooled...
These waffles are so light and fluffy you'll just want to eat them right out of the waffle iron. Great with ice cream for a fancy dessert or treat your...
Impress your dietitian with this wholesome and delicious breakfast choice! Quinoa is a grain-like food from South America that is well known for its high...
If you are looking to turn traditional waffles into a grain-free paleo treat, this recipe made with coconut flour is for you! I created this one on a hot...
Created for easing into a grain-free lifestyle change, these waffles are perfect for families looking for a traditional breakfast food. Use leftover banana...
This is a recipe that I have used for years. If you are concerned about too much oil you might want to try cutting back a little on the oil. I don't make...
My husband asked me to make him cornmeal waffles. I did not find a recipe for them, so I took a waffle recipe and adapted it using cornmeal. He calls them...
The most delicious waffles! Usually served as a snack or dessert. Also try them with Korean red bean paste instead of the banana, it's even better! I remember...
Making French toast in your waffle iron combines the best of both worlds. You get all the custardy richness of French toast plus waffle's signature crispy...
Here's a quick and delicious way to use up those leftover mashed potatoes. You WILL need a waffle iron. These are basically potato pancakes (a.k.a. latkes)...